During an Emergency
I am sure you have probably heard the statement that a license is not required during an actual emergency. The full text is "no license is required during an emergency, injury or threat to property when no other communication is available."
The important thing to take away from above is "no other communication." If you have cell coverage, talking on the Amateur Radio frequencies would be against regulations.
Suppose there is an actual emergency and two way radio is the only form of communication. Being licensed, and being familiar with your radio as well as modes of communication will be a lot more help than just "winging it" and hoping for the best during an emergency.
The Skywarn program is a nationwide network of volunteers trained by the National Weather Service (NWS). These volunteers provide severe weather reports in an accurate, timely manner.
Licensed Amateur Radio operators who are trained can use radio as a communication method to report severe weather events.
Amateur Radio Emergency Service (ARES) is made up of licensed amateurs who have voluntarily registered their equipment and qualifications with their local ARES leadership.
ARRL Emergency Communications
Get trained to be an ARRL emergency communications volunteer.