The Spark Gap

July News from LCARA

June 27th we held our monthly meeting. This is where we discuss business related subjects and hear ideas for club related topics. We encourage members to come to the meeting which is held on the fourth Monday of every month. Location for these meetings is on our home page. Every member's input and experience is invaluable. At this last meeting we discussed a potential radio to be used for cross band repeaters, until a member mentioned their experience with them. Your input is highly valued! Come to the meetings, and see what it takes to run the club and plan all the events we do. After all, "wish this club did things!"

Sarcasm aside, membership attendance up this month, 3 visitors present and one new member N4GDM Gus after the meeting closed.  Continuing on with membership was reported by Wanda, that we had 11 renewals and we added 4 new members to our roster making us 102.

Reporters for repeaters were, Mike, Don, Ben, & Fred and this is what they reported:

Both repeater sites Arcom’s have been upgraded and are working great, but need some tweaking.  Remote sites are not operational at this time ,however; they will be fixed before the next meeting. Note there is a problem with the Echolink volume.  Each site has had some spraying and mowing and weeding done.  Towers have been cleaned up for both sites.  Need to measure and check the hard line located at the WWHQ so they can be utilized where needed.  Have antennas to install.  Need to put the GMRS for Monticello back together as we had to use radio for CBR project troubleshooting.

Brian reported on our Social media. We now have 6786 subscribers on YouTube channel with new ones averaging 135 per month, revenue has picked up.  Fred reported Facebook has a page account and a group account, discussion to see if these could be merged or one deleted. He is checking and will report back next month.

The Hands On project began this month making a HF 2M/70CM aluminum J-Pole antenna. Parts have been received and the cost per person to build one is $30.00 Three have already committed and we have parts for 5 more.

Community Service:

Mike reported Field Day was a blast with 100+ contacts, 3 stations set up different modes, lots of participation noted.  LCARA now has a new grill which was put together and used. Lots of food, fun and fellowship had by all 21 in attendance.

Mike Reported on Events coming up. In July, the Connect Community Village (CCV) 5K run/walk on the 13th. This Run/Walk supports veterans. Fish Fry coming August 31, and in September, Somernites Cruise with special call sign K4S.  All these will need Volunteers, with the announcements being made in Groups IO. Watch for details and how to sign up.  The 2025 Field Day Committee is being formed. Looking through the regulations for field day, there is a lot that can be done and things we can do differently. We can use input, please come to the meetings so we can have yours! If you can't make it to the meeting, send Wanda (secretary) an e-mail with comments you would like to input at the meeting.

Something new coming to the nets: a new Net Control Manager! Ron N4RLS has volunteered, and this will give more people a chance to run the net. We may be hearing new voices running the net in the near future. More to follow on this.

73 all until next month, Wanda