Field Day
To practice operating amateur radio equipment in unusual conditions, demonstrate how radio amateur operators can serve their communities, and get practice operating and getting familiar with radio equipment.
The contest part of field day is to give radio operators something to do during the event. During an emergency, there would be a net operator that would be controlling traffic. During field day, the goal is to get as many contacts as possible. Sometimes, it's nice to just play radio, visit, and eat.
LCARA 2025 Winter Field Day
LCARA will be hosting their Winter Field Day at a different location this year.
2845 Pine Hill Rd
Somerset, KY 42503
We would like to thank Blue Grass Veteran's Ranch for hosting this spot for us this year.
Summary of Rules
Event runs 30 hours from 11:00 (EST) Saturday, 25 January to 16:59 (EST) Sunday, 26 January.
All stations must be within a 1000 Ft. diameter. The location does not have to stay at that location. New location must maintain a 1000 ft. diameter.
This all station equipment (radios, wires, antennas, feed lines, accessories.)
All Amateur bands may be used except 12, 17, 30, and 60 meters. To qualify as a band worked, at least one valid, two-way QSO must have taken place on the said band during the contest.
All modes, CW, Phone, and Digital, may be used. Phone includes SSB, AM, FM, DMR, C4FM, etc. If the end result is voice, it’s Phone. Digital includes PSK, RTTY, Olivia, Packet, SSTV, ATV, JS8Call, and other soundcard modes except for FT4 & FT8. If the end result is text or a picture, it’s digital.
Phone contacts count as one point each, and all CW and digital modes count as two points each. You may only contact other field day stations a maximum of three times per band but only once per mode. So K4FUN may be contacted on 20m using Phone, CW, and digital for a total of five Points (one point for Phone, two points for CW, and two points for digital).
A full list can be found here.
Sign Up For Radio Operator Slots / Volunteer Slots